Funding for Best Management Practices to Meet TMDLs
Three times a year (March, July and November) funding is awarded for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) designed to reduce pollutant loads to impaired waters from urban stormwater discharges. This funding is administered by the Department through the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Water Quality Restoration Grant, which is set out by rule in Chapter 62-305, F.A.C. and authorized by Section 403.890(2), F.S.
Application(s) can actually be submitted at any time to the Department. However, they are not reviewed until the next review date (March, July or November). More than one project application may be submitted at a time. Please note that there is a TMDL Supplemental Information Page that will also need to be completed and submitted with each project application. Also note, the grant awards from the November review period have not yet been chosen. If your project is not selected it will be reconsidered for the March review period.
Applications and their corresponding Supplemental Information Pages can be submitted electronically via e-mail to
To view information on the grant eligibility requirements, criteria, and the overall grant information go to the TMDL Water Quality Restoration Grant Website.
Download the Application Documents, Evaluation Form, and Supplemental Form (opens FTP site)
For more information contact Katie Britt at 850-245-2938
Application Deadline is March 1, 2017 (5:00 pm EST), for electronic or hard copy version to be submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Nonpoint Source Management Program for inclusion in the March 2017 review.
Nonpoint Source Management
Division of Water Restoration Assistance
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., MS 3570 (mailing)
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building, 4th Floor (physical)
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000 850-245-2836