Funding for Coastal Resiliency
NOAA has issued a call for proposals under the federal funding opportunity for the NOAA Coastal Resilience Grants Program. The program is an integration of two existing grants programs at NOAA: the Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency Grants program administered by NOAA Fisheries and the Regional Coastal Resilience Grants program administered by NOAA’s National Ocean Service.

The integrated Coastal Resilience Grants program combine’s NOAA efforts to strengthen coastal communities, ecosystems and associated economies to the negative impacts of extreme weather and climate-related hazards. Funded projects will advance healthy and sustainable coastal ecosystems through habitat restoration, as well as support approaches to build resilience of coastal regions, communities, and the economy by developing plans and implementing actions to mitigate the negative impacts of extreme weather and climate-related hazards.
The estimated $15 million in funding for this program is based on the FY 2016 appropriated funding level. The FFO will consist of two categories of activities: 1) Strengthening Coastal Communities; and 2) Habitat Restoration.
The full Federal Funding Opportunity -- NOAA-NOS-NRPO-2017-2005159 -- is available at Applications are due by March 15, 2017. Award amounts will likely range between $500,000 to $1 million in federal funds. Eligible funding applicants include nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, regional organizations, private (for profit) entities and local, state, and tribal government.
More information about the program, including frequently asked questions, can be found at
For additional questions about NOAA’s Coastal Resilience Grants Program, please contact Adam Stein at