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Funding for Coastal Resiliency

NFWF Resilient Communities 2017 Call for Proposals — Wells Fargo and NFWF have partnered to create the Resilient Communities program. Through improvements to natural features and enhanced community capacity, the program will help communities prepare for future impacts associated with sea level rise, water quantity and quality and forest conservation.

Wells Fargo and NFWF will invest in these two focus areas: Category 1: Adaptation through Regional Conservation Projects Category 2: Community Capacity Building and Demonstration Projects. Category 1: Regional Adaptation through Regional Conservation ProjectsApproximately $1.5 million is available in 2017. Grants in this category will range from $200,000 to $500,000 in each of the three regions (see map in Geographic Focus section) to support highly-impactful and visible conservation projects that help prepare for fire in the Western Region, floods and droughts in the Central Region and sea-level rise in the Eastern Region. Category 2: Community Capacity Building and Demonstration ProjectsApproximately $500,000 is available in 2017 to support highly-impactful and visible projects that help communities understand, organize and take action to address risks and opportunities through improved resilience brought about by enhanced natural features. Projects can take place anywhere in the United States. Special consideration is given to projects that measurably benefit low- to-moderate income neighborhoods and advance social cohesion. These projects will range from $100,000 to $250,000 and should address multiple cities and communities.

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Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership, 1050 Loveland Blvd, Port Charlotte FL 33980,

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