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National Coastal Resilience Fund

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StartFragmentThe National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is pleased to announce the National Coastal Resilience Fund. Projects funded under this national program will provide benefits to communities, as well as for fish and wildlife. In partnership with NOAA, NFWF will make investments to advance identified priorities for restoring and strengthening natural systems so they can protect coastal communities from the impacts of storms and floods and enable them to recover more quickly, while also enhancing habitats for important fish and wildlife populations.EndFragment

NFWF will award up to $30 million in grants to create, expand and restore natural systems in areas that will both increase protection for communities from coastal storms, sea and lake level changes, flooding, and coastal erosion and improve valuable habitats for fish and wildlife species. NFWF will invest in projects in two focus areas:


  • Project Planning and Design - awards of $100,000 to $250,000

  • Project Implementation - awards of $500,000 to $3,000,000

This program is funded by and closely coordinated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and will include input from other federal agencies and outside experts.

1:1 non-federal match required.


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Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership, 1050 Loveland Blvd, Unit D, Port Charlotte FL 33980

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