2020 CHNEP Watershed Summit
Thank you to all participants and presenters of the CHNEP 2020 Watershed Summit. The public, scientists, resource managers, and policy professionals came together to share information regarding research and restoration efforts and critical environmental issues in Central and Southwest Florida. Summit sponsors were the Florida Section of the American Water Resources Association and WGCU Public Media.
Session 1: Water Quality Improvement
Karenia brevis Bloom Induced Dead Zone in Southeast Gulf of Mexico-AJ Martignette, SCCF
Early Performance Results for a Constructed Filter Marsh on Sanibel Island-Mark Thompson, SCCF
Continuous Nutrient Monitoring in the Caloosahatchee Estuary-Kevin Jones, SCCF
Session 2: Hydrological Restoration
Charlotte Harbor Flatwoods Initiative Hydrologic Restoration Project-Kim Fikoski-SFWMD
SWFWMD 2020 Update of Charlotte Harbor SWIM Plan-Lizanne Garcia-SWFWMD
A One Water Plan for the Headwaters Region-Mike Britt-City of Winter Haven
South Lee County Watershed Initiative Hydrologic Restoration Project-Jennifer Hecker-CHNEP
Session 3: Fish, Wildlife, & Habitat Protection
Movements of Large Juvenile and Adult Smalltooth Sawfish in Southwest Florida-Rachel Scharer-FWCC
Habitat Restoration with Purpose: A Fisheries Case Study-JoEllen Wilson-Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
Comparison of Hotspot Consistency of Two Sport Fish in Charlotte Harbor-Nathan Miller-FWCC
Charlotte Harbor: An Exceptional Estuary that Needs Our Close Attention-Dave Blewett-FWCC
Aquatic Habitat Conservation and Restoration in the Charlotte Harbor Watershed-Corey Anderson-FWCC
Oyster Restoration in San Carlos Bay and Tarpon Bay-Eric Milbrandt-SCCF
Towards a Better Assessment of Estero Bay Seagrass Health Status and Stressors-James Douglass-FGCU
Hard Clam Restoration in San Carlos Bay: A Pilot Project-Leah Reidenbach-SCCF
Session 4: Public Engagement for Protecting Our Water and Wildlife
Connecting University Researchers and K-12 Teachers for Environmental Education-Jennifer Jones-FGCU
Sanibel Communities for Clean Water Program-Dana Dettmar-City of Sanibel
Making the Case for the Statewide Stormwater Rule-Marisa Carrozzo-Conservancy of Southwest Florida